Marko Nylund new CEO at Prevex

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Marko Nylund, 51, from Jakobstad, has 8th of July, 2019, been appointed as new CEO at Oy Prevex Ab since former CEO Mikael Lillvik decided to leave the company. Nylund has since September 2018 worked as the vice president in the company responsible for production and production related processes like logistics, product management and purchasing. He has a long and comprehensive experience from process development, with a particular focus on resources and systems.

– It is natural that Marko now will take the responsibility as the company´s new CEO. He has worked in the company almost a year and has learned to know the company and has also actively worked with developing structures and processes in the company, says Kjell Antus, chairman of the board at Prevex and Group CEO, KWH. Prevex has been through a strong period of growth and the target is to continuously grow for a stronger position on the water trap market in Europe.

Nylund has wide leadership background. He has among all worked as executive vice president at Pohjolan Voima and as CEO at Rettig Värme.